Unity School Services are proud to offer a wide range of services for nurseries, schools and multi academy trusts. We encourage you to contact us to see how we can help your organisation.
Exclusive services we offer:
All services are available for short, medium and long term projects.
If you feel you need to add some extra capacity, support or advice, contact us today hello@unityschoolservices.co.uk or book a 30 minute discovery call here.
The process of the academy conversion process can be a daunting task for any headteacher, school business manager and governing body in assessing and understanding the practical implications of academy conversion and identifying the steps that need to be taken to make the transition a seamless one. That's where our academy conversion project management comes in.
As well as offering schools / MATs advice, support, and guidance; we also act as a single point of contact and provide updates to the school and Trust as required.
Our Support for each key area includes:
Academy Conversion Project Management
◦ Conversion visits, planning and monitoring
◦ Liaison with third parties i.e. LA, DfE, Solicitors, ESFA, Banks, Insurers etc
◦ Consultations (parents/carers and stakeholders)
◦ Policies and procedures
◦ Scheme of delegation
◦ Registrations
◦ Surveys/ risk register
◦ Due Diligence of assets, finance and standards
◦ Centralisation of services – if required.
◦ Consultations - Staff
◦ Consultations - Unions
◦ TUPE consultation / LA HR services
◦ Staff contracts
◦ Pension (LGPS / actuarial assessment)
◦ Teacher's pension arrangements
◦ HR and payroll
◦ DBS / Single central record
◦ Appointment of and liaison with Solicitors
◦ Commercial Transfer Agreement (CTA) Inc. contracts & agreements / suppliers
◦ Leases (Inc. Church Supplemental Agreement if required)
◦ Sub-leases / shared use agreements
◦ Funding agreements (MFA / SFA)
◦ Staff (TUPE / measures)
◦ Liaison with local authority (LA)
◦ Insurance (RPA plus engineering and plant)
◦ Land and building valuations.
◦ Banking (new requirements - closedown / set-up)
◦ Systems (Finance, MIS, Student Tracking etc - closedown / set-up)
◦ PAYE – set up at HMRC.
◦ ESFA / funding
◦ VAT registration (if applicable)
◦ Suppliers
◦ Carry forward.
◦ Orders (existing and new)
◦ Budgeting internal and DfE returns
In addition to the above, we can provide templates / model letters and we also offer a MAT Service for schools looking to set up or join a MAT.
For more information on the support or advice, contact us today hello@unityschoolservices.co.uk or book a 30 minute discovery call here.
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Company Number 13543507 - VAT Number 413372817